Garage Door
Opener Accessories
Available at your local
Genie Professional Dealer

Compatible with Genie Intellicode® products! This simple 1-button remote controls a single door, is easy-to-use and the perfect size for your keychain.

Compatible with Genie Intellicode® products! This traditional, visor-style 1-button remote can operate one individual garage door opener.

Compatible with Genie Intellicode® products! This sleek 3-button remote comes with a visor clip AND can be used with a keychain. This remote can operate three individual garage door openers.

Compatible with Genie Intellicode® products! This traditional, visor-style 3-button remote can operate three individual garage door openers.

3-Button Master
Compatible with most Genie openers ever made! The 3-button Master Remote can be used on Intellicode® (rolling code) products as well as Genie products containing dip switches.

4-Button Universal
This Universal remote is compatible with most major brands of garage door openers with working safety sensors.

Wi-Fi RetroFit Kit
Control and monitor the status of your garage from anywhere using your smart device with Genie's Aladdin Connect®.
Door Position Sensor
Add up to 2 additional door position sensors to the Wi-Fi RetroFit Kit! Monitor and control up to 3 different garage door openers from almost anywhere with your smart device. (Must be used with the Wi-Fi Retrofit Kit)

External Receiver - Three Door
315/390 MHz Intellicode® External Receiver, 390 MHz 9-Trinary Fixed Code – Three Door

Wireless Entry
Compatible with Genie Intellicode® garage door openers, the wireless keypad gives easy pin pad access to your garage.

Universal Keypad
Compatible with most major brands of garage door openers, the universal wireless keypad is a simple and convenient access solution for multiple doors.
Wireless Console
Compatible with Genie Intellicode® garage door openers, the wireless wall console features a totally wireless installation and easy programming. Mounts inside the garage and can control a single garage door opener and worklight.

Wired Wall Console
Compatible with Genie garage door openers, the series II wall console has an easy to see backlit panel and provides control for door, light, and lockout functions.

Universal Console
Control up to 3 different openers from a variety of manufacturers on a single wireless wall console! Compatible with the most popular brands of garage door openers and receivers on the market today, the universal wireless wall console features a totally wireless installation and a convenient DELAY feature to help you exit the garage safely.

Universal Push Button
Compatible with most brands of garage door openers, the universal wired wall push button is an excellent replacement for 4-wired wall consoles, series II consoles and push buttons for use with almost any opener. Mounts inside the garage and can be used in addition to any other wall buttons or wall consoles.
Push Button
Compatible with Genie garage door openers, this series II wired wall push button mounts inside the garage and can be used to operate a single garage door.

140V Backup Power
When the power goes out, Genie power goes on! Add a battery backup solution for our premium 140V operator lineup anytime to help keep you and your family safe!
24V Backup Power
When the power goes out, Genie power goes on! Add a battery backup solution to most of our 24V operator lineup any time to help keep you and your family safe!

Backward compatible with all Genie residential garage door openers that use a safety beam system on any size garage door.

Keyed Release Kit
A Keyed Emergency Release Kit can be used to open the garage door from the outside in case of a power failure. The Keyed Emergency Release Kit is compatible with all brands of garage door openers.

LED Lighting
Common LED and CFL bulbs can emit interference that limits the range of garage door opener remotes. Incandescent bulbs, which are being phased out to improve energy efficiency, can have their lives shortened by opener vibration.